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Market Research and Business Plan:

Students will identify the customers of their online business and write up a Buisness plan.


​Web Development:


Students learn HTML, CSS, PHP and other online


tools to develop an interactive website for


commercial use.




Students learn to to use XAMP a web server (Apache) with an inbuild MySQL server that will allow you to link your website to a database.



SEO & Social Media Marketing

Funnelling customers to your website is crucial for an online commercial enterprise. Students will learn how to identify keywords and locate potential customers online and formulate a Marketing plan. The Plan will also be communicated in the form of an infographic.



Students will complete and submit the following assessment tasks:


  • Market Research Analysis, Business Plan & Website Design

  • A Commercial Website 

  • A Commercial Database 

  • Marketing Plan


There will be an examination.



Assessment Schedule

Week 4

Business Plan - Students will create a business plan which will include a customer characteristics overview,  an overview of market research results and design a website for their business. 15%

Week 6

Website - Students will develop a website interface for customers to access online to make purchases 30%

Week 12

Marketing Plan - Students will use creative decsions made in the design of their website interface in their marketing strategy. 15%

Week 15

Examination: 40%

© 2023 by Ms V Farrell for SKC 

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